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Passionate About Inspiring Others

Benjamin explains, “I’ve seen that doubling down on your dreams moves them to repay you ten-fold for the attention. I believe even dreams are capable of gratitude. Because they are as alive and as real as you allow them to be. The currency in the dimension of dreams is attention. They will gladly cross over to reality when you recognize that disproportionate exchange rate.”

Benjamin shared first-hand about his work:

Q: “Why did you want to begin your business “A Creative Healing Place”?”

BB: “I wanted to be able to offer clients a wider variety of options for ways to work with me and to keep them engaged and on their green growing edge while I continued offering them a tried and true structure of support. I know that coaching/teaching people is my calling. There is very little in the world that makes me happier than helping people live richer, freer, healthier lives.”

Q: “Tell us about some of your biggest joys as a Life Mastery Consultant so far.”

BB: “I have two clients that had been through every program I had to offer and have re-enrolled to do all of the work again. So they are each in their second round of these programs and their third year of working with me. And each of them is undergoing major changes in their lives.

“Most recently as well, it was a true joy to finally launch my VIP program “Kickstart Your Dreams”. I remember talking about the dream of giving stand-up-paddleboard tours in France… and now I have created a retreat where I combine my 3 favorite things in life: giving a deep-dive teaching into these principles, the opportunity to share France, French culture and cuisine, and of course, stand-up-paddle boarding in the Mediterranean Sea.

“The retreat is in La Ciotat, the South of France, just outside Marseille in the 2nd week of May. So much went into bringing it to life, but seeing it resonate already with the very first wave of clients signing up was rejuvenating.”

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Q: “What do you know now you wish you had known when you first started?”

BB: “That it REALLY IS going to all work out. That I really am a born leader… and just because that is true, it doesn’t mean I have to figure it all out alone. Staying in this work is going to open me up in ways I couldn’t even imagine were possible.”

Q: “What are some of the biggest changes you’ve seen in long-term clients of yours?”

BB: “I can share at least one really touching story of an early client. When she first came to me, she asked for my help as the LAST STOP, really trying to avoid taking anti-depressant medication. She described herself as very depressed and isolated. She was completely agoraphobic, terrified of driving anywhere new by herself and a smoker for 40 years.

“Within the first year of our working together she gave up cigarettes and is now completely tobacco and nicotine free for over a year and a half. She has just recently left a job that she had felt was crushing her spirit, and in which she felt highly undervalued.

“Within the past two months she has started her own dog training business in which she drives all over the entire state of Rhode Island to meet with her clients and train their dogs. Just this week she reported to me that within one day recently, she had 4 client appointments. She made almost as much that day as she would have in one week at her previous job.

“Also this once-agoraphobic woman has just volunteered to be one of the coordinators for the Women’s Ministry group in her spiritual community. And she has achieved all of this without once going onto any anti-depressant medication, as she earnestly wished. When I listen to her now, she is so full of life! I am so proud of her.”

Q: “Is there any parting wisdom you’d like to share?”

BB: “There’s one word in the English language that has cost people dearly. Millions of dollars and moments in time. You’ve paid your share — I’ve paid mine. No one has escaped. And that loss and temporal debt grow everyday.

“The peculiar part of the whole thing is that this word can make a change if correctly applied… just as easily as it costs opportunity if used in the wrong way.

“But most people use it at the wrong time in the wrong way. That’s why it’s so costly.

“It isn’t a long word — in fact, it’s only two letters.

“The word is — “IF”.

“If I had done this”… “If I had taken advantage of that.” Every day you hear it used — expressive of the abandoned action that has cost someone money, opportunity or progress.

“That’s the common way it’s used; the wrong and costly way.

“But — when “IF” is weaponized as a forecast of proper action instead of a synonym for regret, the magic there is astonishing.

“My work is in transforming the negative “if” within (LIFE) so all that remains is (L)imitless (E)mpowerment. So I am grateful for this platform to share my story and wish all your readers the unparalleled joy of loving your life with every fiber of your being.”

  • Life Mastery Consultant

  • TranscenDance™ Facilitator

  • French Teacher & Culture Guide

  • Awesome

  • Clever and funny

  • Contagious Passion

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